Inside the Newsroom @ A2 Journal

Welcome to Inside the Newsroom @ A2 Journal, a blog written by the newspaper's staff at A2 Journal, a new, weekly, community newspaper covering Ann Arbor. This blog is a place for members of the newspaper's staff to write their thoughts, observations, opinions and other informative pieces they put together while covering the rich history, interesting people, institutions and traditions that make Ann Arbor such a unique community.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 26 - Lisa's Musings (on lingering crud, warm weather) and Every Day Life

I haven't whined about my creeping crud for a few days, it's still not gone, so I've earned this.

This creeping crud, cold, whatever this illness is -- has no intention of leaving my body quietly. And quite frankly, it's getting old really, really fast.

Especially as I prepare to go on vacation.

Colds are supposed to last seven days no matter what you do and this disease has been going strong for 12 days now. Enough already.

And, it's wiping me out. I'll go a few hours and need to rest; I'll go a few more hours and then suddenly yack, gack, snort, suck wind ... it's not fun.

Like Monday when I was trying to take photos and video at the Kiwanis scholarship awards ceremony. I started coughing and could not stop. Fortunately, my "handler," realized I was about to expire and appeared like an angel with a nice cold glass of water.

It was a lifesaver, and I could not thank him enough.

While at home, I don't sit anywhere in the house without a box of Kleenex and a bottle of water near me. Even the dogs feel sorry for me. They sit at my feet looking up at me while I cough myself into oblivion.

And as you know, it's gotten kinda warm, which doesn't help matters any, either. Today, in lieu of getting another parking ticket while at the Farmer's Market, I parked in the surface lot at First and Huron. Under normal circumstances, the walk to the farmer's market wouldn't be a big deal and I thought I was well enough to make the trek.

Walking to the Farmer's Market was no problem, it was the getting back to my van after three interviews, photos and video that about killed me.

As I got closer to the lot, it was like seeing a mirage when in the desert. I could see the lot, I could even see my van, but it was like I could NOT get there.

Longest walk of my life -- well, except the 5K I attempted to do while dragging Whitney, my Aussie, who decided about a 1/2 mile into the walk she'd had enough.

But I made it to my van, then to the office in Saline and then home. I've written a couple of stories, edited photos and video and filed them. My eyes are now closing but there's no time for a nap.

So how long will I last at the Ann Arbor Board of Education meeting tonight?

Bets, anyone?

Cough, cough, gack, gack, yack, yack.

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