Cookbooks, shmookbooks

Admittedly, I am a novice when it comes to cooking. I am the type who follows recipes but am slowly becoming more confident in creating my own. With the vast array of foods available, it increases my options even more but it also can be quite confusing. For example, I have millet and lentils and I have no idea what to do with them. I've tried quinoa and that's pretty tasty but with millet, I honestly have no clue.
And not to mention produce, I have never quite figured out how to use eggplant. It sure is pretty to look at but when I cooked with it before, it was, well, not very tasty to say the least. Sure, I love going to farmers markets but once I get home, it can be overwhelming to try and figure out how to use the produce in a week before it all spoils.
So where does everyone find their recipes? Do you have any favorite websites? Cookbooks? Family favorites? Or are you just one of those Rachael Ray types that thinks up recipes, doesn't measure anything and it comes out awesome. If you are, please respond to this post!
Photo by Rene S.
Labels: cookbooks, cooking class