My dog needs a coat for this weather
Last winter, she loved going outdoors for walks. I lived close to the Eastern Michigan University campus, and we often walked the sidewalks of the campus.
This year, she isn't too keen on the outside walking. I think she is cold. I think she needs coat. Perhaps a cute pink one, since she is a girl.
My husband does not.
Now, my dog isn't one of those little purse pooches names Princess who has a sparkle-encrusted collar and weighs less than my cat.
She is a Plott Hound-Greyhound mix and weighs about 50 pounds. But she is so short haired and practically bald on her belly. I think if she got a coat, she would enjoy being outside more and perhaps seem less depressed in the winter.
Even right now, she is sleeping next to me on the coach. She was sleeping in her crate when I got home from work and immediately came out to sleep on the couch.
I think it's a bit too dangerous to head out in this weather with the sole intention of getting my dog a jacket, but I think it will become a necessary evil.