Inside the Newsroom @ A2 Journal
Welcome to Inside the Newsroom @ A2 Journal, a blog written by the newspaper's staff at A2 Journal, a new, weekly, community newspaper covering Ann Arbor. This blog is a place for members of the newspaper's staff to write their thoughts, observations, opinions and other informative pieces they put together while covering the rich history, interesting people, institutions and traditions that make Ann Arbor such a unique community.
Pumpkin Math at Pattengill

Third-grade students in Susan Beech's class at Pattengill Elementary took part in Pumpkin Math on Oct. 30 learning about volume, distance, weight, circumference and diameter by using pumpkins. Talk about a fun way to learn not only math but also science. Here are a few photos from her class. Check out Thursday's A2 Journal for more photos of the students and their hands-on learning experience.
Labels: Pattengill Elementary
Motawi Tileworks and U-M Hospital Gifts of Art tile making

Motawi Tileworks held a free make-a-tile workshop with U-M Hospital's Gifts of Art on Oct. 29. Here's a sample of some photos from the event.
Read Thursday's A2 Journal for the story and see more photos of people and the tiles they made. Fun stuff.
I plan to make a tile of my dog (and I'm stealing the idea from one of the participants at the U-M session) at Motawi's next free event on Dec. 5 from 10-4 p.m. at 170 Enterprise Dr., off Jackson Road. Check out for more information.
Labels: Gifts of Art, Motawi
Scio Fire Department Halloween Party
Carpenter Kids' Craft Fair

Students at Carpenter Elementary made and sold crafts to one another Friday night during the school's annual Kids' Craft Fair for 25 cents to $1.50, and paid 50 cents for their table space.
Here are a few scenes from the fair.
Michigan Madness III

For more photos take a look at Thursday's A2 Journal.
Labels: U-M basketball
Michigan Madness

In the first U-M Basketball Michigan Madness event in recent memory, fans, players and coaches rocked Crisler Arena Friday night. The coaches' and players' introductions were cleverly done with coaches dancing from the tunnel onto the court and players mingling with fans as they climbed down the stairs from various locations.
Here is the first of two posts of faces in the crowd.
Go Blue!
Labels: U-M basketball
Teddy Bear Health Fair at Carpenter Elementary
Ann Arbor Preschool and Food Gatherers